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Lawn Insects & Diseases


Brown Patch

The symptoms of brown patch can vary depending on the grass cultivar, climactic and atmospheric conditions, soil and intensity of the turfgrass management. This disease typically causes rings or patches of blighted turfgrass that measure 5 inches to more than 10 feet in diameter. To help reduce this minimize the amount of shade and irrigate turf early in the day.

Dollar Spot

Dollar spot affects small, circular areas of turf, about 1 to 5 inches in diameter. Spots may merge to form large, irregular areas. Leaves appear water-soaked initially, then brown and often exhibit a reddish band extending across the leaf. To help reduce thia use an adequate level of nitrogen, particularly in the spring and early summer and mow grass at regular intervals. 

Chinch Bug

Chinch bug damage can be confused with certain lawn diseases or other physiological disorders. The nymphal (immature) stage lasts less than 30 days during warmer weather, while the entire life cycle lasts 7 to 8 weeks. This rapid development allows time for three to five chinch bug generations each year. However, as the season progresses, generations tend to overlap, so all stages are found at the same time. For a Chinch Bug infestation we apply a granular insectiside. 


Fairy Ring

These fungi can cause the development of rings or arcs of deep green grass as well as unthrifty or dead grass. Rings may vary in size from a few inches to 200 feet. To reduce this avoid using root zone mixes with high levels of undecomposed organic materials, reduce thatch by vertical cutting ,core aerify

Fusarium Patch

Fusarium patch causes patches that are yellow or reddish-brown in color and 1 inch to 6 inches in diameter. The periphery of the patches are reddish-brown or pink in color. To reduce this maintain balance fertility, avoid using lime, also alkaline soils enhance disease development.

Rust fungi are opportunistic parasites, dependent upon a live host for growth and development, and seldom kill plants. However, rust infection reduces plant health and vigor, flower production, and aesthetic value in the landscape. To reduce this space plants appropriately to allow for good air circulation and rapid drying of the foliage, avoid wetting foliage, remove and destroy infected plant debris.

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